BNM Architects & Project Managers


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BNM has been involved with a number of industrial projects for the Coega Development Corporation.

The new home of Hella Automotive was constructed 2017 – 2019 at a cost of R49m. The curved design of the building and roof structure was derived and influenced by the Hella Automotive logo.

Architecturally the building is a move away from the traditional post-and-lintel construction where the elements have connection points into a free-flowing structure that blurs the lines between wall and roof.


Project name: New Manufacturing Plant, HE1 as well as HW1

Project year: 2019-2021

Project value: R 113 446 658.35 & R 113 206 114.73, respectively

Investment by a well-known international motor vehicle manufacturer based in East London, and the imminent launch of a new vehicle in a couple of years, paved the way for the expansion of the East London Industrial Development Zone.

New manufacturing facilities were identified, each with a tenant specific design layout. The HE 1 and HW1 manufacturing facilities have been

designed to accommodate all machinery, as per the tenant’s requirements, which includes an overhead crane and an office block.

Architecturally the buildings’ aesthetics and material use had to conform with the existing ELIDZ specifications.

The projects were both fast-track construction with very tight time frames.


BNM Architects have been appointed in numerous infrastructure improvement projects by VWGA. These projects vary from renovations and upgrades of existing offices and infrastructure improvements of technical buildings.

Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) – relocation of office to existing building

This project involves the relocation of offices to an existing office building as well as upgrades of the electrical and mechanical services of the existing building. Tenant specific requirements had to be accommodated throughout the design process. Currently on site (R8.9m contract value). 

Airbag Testing

This project involved the repurposing of an existing building to accommodate the installation of an airbag testing unit and control area. Project has been completed at a cost of R750k

Solar Parking

VWGA decided in recent years to install solar panels to all open areas, specifically the main staff parking area located along Algoa Road. A new substation will be constructed along with the support structures that will house the solar panels. An SDP and Municipal Submission process had to be followed as well. Currently on site (R1m project value).


Within all VWGA’s manufacturing facilities, areas are designated which enables staff to spend time during tea breaks and lunchtimes. Lockers, tables, washing up facilities, fridges and microwaves are provided. The designs are all location specific within the existing floor plans layouts and are placed in such a way to enable staff to access these facilities in a safe manner. Material use and designs are done to enable low maintenance. Implementation will be done in phases: phase 1 – two Ikhayalams, phase 2 – one Ikhayalam, phase 3 – three Ikhayalams. Currently on site (R1,9m).


Project name: Mdantsane Mall, Mdantsane NU2

Project year: 2023 (in progress)

Project value: R84 000 000.00

The building is of double storey composition with over 100 shopping and office units. The ground floor is mainly occupied by retail shops with the upper floor consisting of commercial offices.
At the beginning of the 2022/23 financial year, ECDC ventured on a property portfolio modernization strategy, the strategy included a range of deliverables where one of which was a refurbishment programme of the various properties including the Mdantsane Mall. Refurbishment involve the repair or replacement to remedy physical deficiencies resulting from deferred maintenance, that are beyond the scope of regular maintenance that should be undertaken on a priority basis within a reasonable period.

This objective is to be achieved through the acquired services of Built Environment experts for the designing, execution and closing out of the proposed refurbishment in line with the agreed scope of works, within quality time and cost parameters.


Project name: Zwelitsha Shopping Mall

Project year: 2023 (in progress)

Project value: R6 200 000.00


Project name: Fort Jackson

Project year: 2023 (in progress)

Project value: R33 000 000.00


Project year: 2023 (in progress)

Project value: R49 000 000.00

The project was initiated in 2013 to form part of the Departments program of commemoration of the 1913 Land Act. The site location for the project was in the Zuurberg region where the Frontier Wars were fought that lead to the eventual dispossession of land in the region of the Khoi and San.

The appointment of Arup was conducted through a task order on the Departments panel of approved service providers in October 2013 at a fee of R1 350 000. At the time of appointment, the budget attached to the project was R30m. This was based on an estimate; however the detail scope of the project was still being further defined during the workshop process.


Project name: EC Head Quarters, East London

Project year: 2023 (in progress)

Project value: R20 000 000.00 Scope of work:

  • New office layouts and modernizing of the existing building.

  • New roof and skylight over the 4th floor.

  • All HVAC to be redesigned by the mechanical engineer.

  • All electrical components to be modernized and energy saving, solar options to be proposed.

  • Sewer and storm water systems to be assessed by the civil engineer.

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